~~Women of Color With the Mays Men~~
Initial Responses to the Film
- This film bashes men
- The movie was good in terms of the cast and acting, however the plot and story line had so much potential to be better. the primary goal was not to bash men but i felt like the characters were very one-dimensional. Maybe it would have been help to have flash backs. black are monsters and in humane. there was no purpose of seeing the film, it didn't preserve black relationships.
- But wasn't this film titled "for colored girls", it shouldn't always have to be about men
- Every black man i see is either going to rape me, beat me or is useless and black women are all pitiful, whether they started as such it doesn't matter they will all end up this way. This is what i got from the film. The film is very cliche. they sat down and made a list of all the bad things that could happen, all the stereotypes and divided amongst the characters. "cry me a river".
- The film was not original
- What was the message of the movie?
- Tyler Perry didn't write the movie, his job was to bring life to the play and the book. In terms of that because that was his job he did it well. What is the job of the director
- Misery loves company.
- I feel as if this movie was meant to bring light to what is going in the real life. It isn't meant for everyone to watch, if people feel like this. Crap like this really happen.
- He should have left it as a book or play because he should of know that it was going to be controversial especially when Oprah his biggest support back out.
- Doesn't change only come when people become uncomfortable?
- The abortion scene- we can go to the clinics... but what about the fact that she didn't have the money to pay for an abortion.
- Why couldn't anyone catch the kids?
- It was stretched to the unimaginable
- Religion was also portrayed poorly for black people. white people already think we have a crazy religion.
- These characters are suppose to be dynamic but they are very static.
- They need to explain how this happens.. how did they get there?
- The rapist you knew he was a rapist because he was too nice of a guy... is that Perry's fault or our fault that we were looking for flaws in him. Predictions were made in the first 5 minutes, how could you know anything?
- I didn't know how to feel, yeah that was deep but where do i go from here.
- Many people who saw this movie aren't doing what we are doing now; nobody's talking!
Why is all the blame being but on Perry because their were other black people who played a major role in the film? He kept the story the way in which Shange, the author of the book, wanted it with an addition of two characters such as Whoopi Goldberg and Tessa Thompson. Every one is asking for Tyler Perry's reasoning but why not ask the men who played these roles or the women who took part in this project.
- It was all exploitation but it should have remained a play or modernized it
- People rarely see plays though and nobody would have been able to hear the stories of women who are or have gone through it.
- I don't think his sole purpose was to make money because it didn't make that much money regardless.
- I just don't care
- People are focusing so much on the men, this wasn't for them!
- it should have been more flushed out
- This movie was based on real life even though there were some fictional parts but the things that happened to the women in the movie actually happen to people in real life
- You can't write a movie that says all of this happens without addressing what will come after a nationwide audience watches this movie. Example is how will other view black women from this movie?
- There wasn't any positive influences for any of the women in the movie
- Each male character had some level of humanity in it